Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the difference between a dvd player and a blu-ray dvd player?

I always used a DVD player to watch movies.

I have to buy a new DVD Player because my old one broke. Why should I want to buy a Blu-ray dvd player instead of a regular dvd player.What is the difference between a dvd player and a blu-ray dvd player?
DVD players scan discs with red lasers and Blu-Ray players scan discs with blue lasers. I'm not joking about the laser part. That's how it really works!
Blu ray players have, more feature for one, and are in significantly higher quality. But with some blu ray players you can hook up to YouTube netflix vudu and several other video products, but instantly, on your flat screen, in HD! I recommend ble ray over normal dvd no matter what!!!!What is the difference between a dvd player and a blu-ray dvd player?
Nothing. It's a marketing ploy to get you to buy a new gadget that you don't need. You wait. VHS will make a comeback as will BetaWhat is the difference between a dvd player and a blu-ray dvd player?
blu-rays are a higher quality and only require blu ray dvds( it says on the top of a blu-ray dvd) and they cost a little more
The blue ray is a different laser system, eventually to take over all current dvd formats
About $100.
one is blue and the other is not.
ones Blu Ray

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