Monday, February 6, 2012

How do I load an update to my Sharp Blu Ray player?

I have a Cruzer flash stick. I loaded the update from the Sharp website, but when I plug it into the Blu Ray player, it says there is no update info on the flash stick. Can someone help me? I am new to flash sticks %26amp; Blu Ray technology.How do I load an update to my Sharp Blu Ray player?
When you downloaded the update it was a zip file containing two files ... the update and a readme file (instructions). You should copy the update only to the flash drive.

If you plug in the flash drive to your PC you should be able to see the update file on the flashdrive (Use "My Computer" and navigate to the drive letter for the flash drive). Note the update has to be in the root directory ... not a folder/subdirectory. If this is NOT the case the BD player won't recognize the update.

If the file is visible from the PC on the Cruzer, and you followed the instructions on the readme file that accompanied the update, and the player doesn't recognize it, I suggest you call Sharp support.

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