Tuesday, January 31, 2012


can you play normal dvds on a blue-ray?? do you think dvds will fade away like vhs and blue-ray will be the next big thing???Blu-ray???
yes, and yes. Normal DVDs might look a little grainy on your HD set considering your TV will pick out every little error the DVD has.
Blu-Ray players are compatatble with normal standard definition dvds.

I think Blu-Ray is going to become the next big thing because it is very high class.

Next we might even have invisible laser discs =PBlu-ray???
Yes you can play normal DVD on Blue-Ray players. Most players have upscaling to improve the SD DVD signal for display on an HD set. As to the signal fading, this should not happen, as the information is burnt into the aluminum sheet (inside the DVD) as compared with a magnetic signal that was placed on the VCR tape.Blu-ray???
DVDs won't fade away for a long time. DVDs replace VHS for both picture quality and ease of use. The differences are very dramatic. Blu Ray isn't easier to use than a standard DVD and although to a monster tech junkie there might a picture difference, the general public cannot tell a difference. There will never be a takover of DVDs in the way that DVDs took over VHS. Long story short....DVDs aren't going anywhere in mine or your lfetime
Blu-ray players not only play Blu-ray disks, they play and upconvert DVDs to "near HD" quality (as do many less expensive DVD players).

But Blu-ray is not for everyone. You need a minimum HDMI equipped HDTV ... preferably 40"+ and 1080p ... and a good surround system to take advanatge of the advanced sound. You will still get some benefit on smaller/720p HDTVs but the benefit/cost ratio over upconverted DVD is much reduced.

Finally, it's expensive to buy (~$400+), no currrent player other than the PS3 game console is recommended, and disks cost $5-$20 more than DVD (depending on movie and where you are).

Bottom line --- if you can afford it and can benefit --- it's can be a great picture and sound.

Regarding DVDs ... they are not going away any time soon. In fact they are still growing faster than Blu-ray (There are currently 82,700 DVD titles now, and 600 new ones are scheduled by June 30. On the other hand there are ~500 Blu-ray titles and only 60 scheduled in the next 6 months). Furthermore, many experts believe .. at least for rental .. video on demand/download is the medium to watch.

It increasingly looks like Blu-ray will remain what it is --- a premium priced HD alternative to DVD ... not a replacement.
blu ray isnt that good its the same as hd dont get it its a rip off

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