Will 3D eventually replace the conventional movies or will 3D remain just an alternative?How much better than Blu-ray can the picture quality become?
Remember most of this is speculation but they are working on Ultra-High Definition which is roughly 16 times more resolution than HDTV. This would mean that a movie in UHDTV would take up a half terrabyte of space. Ouch. It probably puts it out to about 2020-2025 from a practical standpoint if ever. Then there is the issue of 3d which potentially doubles the storage requirements of the film as each eye get a different picture.
The problem with UHDTV is that the increase in resolution is unlikely to make as much of an impact as other factors on image quality. Increased contrast, grayscale, color saturation and so forth are all likely to visually improve the image more than an increase in resolution on a moving picture than the higher resolution and none of that requires an increase in storage capacity or in the case of a streaming image over the internet, increased bandwidth.
I think that with the convenience of streaming movies over the internet people won't be demanding higher quality as much.
Just like with MP3, the convenience of downloading movies trumps the quality of CDs and the CD business has suffered because of it.
Hulu, netflicks and other online video sources will continue to grow and the demand for higher quality will deminish until way down the road when internet bandwidth can handle all the added traffic.
So for now and way down the road HDTV will be good enough.
As for whether or not 3D takes off, it will need to happen without glasses.
Video picture quality will definitely improve but it is extremely unlikely to occur to any significant degree within the confines of current Blu-ray Disc technology.
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How much better than Blu-ray can the picture quality become?To see the difference you are going to need a large screen of 46" or larger. If you watch it on a 32" you are not going to see the difference between 720P and 1080P. 3D is not as big, due to lack of software in the market, there are only about 40 title in 3D and they are mostly animated films. Beside that the price of 3D tv is still high and you also need the 3D blu ray disc player, 3D blu ray disc movies and a 3D glasses. Future of video is not going to change for some time, due to we had just converted to HD tv and tv program is only in 720P.How much better than Blu-ray can the picture quality become?
If they can master 3d without glasses, which everyone is trying to do right now, I think 3d will take over the universe. For now though it is a quickly growing fad. It all really depends on how the world reacts. Will consumers spend the extra money for 3d tv's etc? With the action of the consumers comes the reaction of industry. If people buy 3d tv's cable companies will provide the data delivery system. With companies devoloping the technology to transmit the 3d bandwith and have chips that can put the signal back together when it gets to your tv/ Broadcast stations will start changing formats to film shows in 3d and have special 3d programming channels for people that can support it. Eventually 3d will then take over. The exact same thing happened with digital and HD tv. Once consumers decided what they wanted there was a fox hd and a fox... etc. Then you needed a special box to convert digital tv back to analog for the people that had not upgraded their entertainment centers since 1986. Now if you still have a TV that doesn't support digital tv you are using it as a fish tank. It all depends what people want to spend money on.
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